
My Carbon Zero

Our flagship climate action initiative

We believe that going carbon zero means taking responsibility for all the carbon you have ever emitted. So we set up an initiative to support organizations and individuals to take credible action.
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A graphic image for Pond Foundation initiatives

Regen 21

Creating 21st-century, regenerative supply chains

Our Regen 21 initiative supports members to develop regenerative supply chains around the globe. Our first project is building a regenerative supply chain with our member WhatIF Foods in Ghana.
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Hilary’s Kids

Our community regeneration initiative

Hilary Thompson pledged to a little boy in a brass factory in India that she would devote the rest of her life to doing whatever she could to support children to have a better future. We lost Hilary in 2019. Today, her family and Pond Foundation have created Hilary’s Kids to honour this pledge.
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A graphic image for Pond Foundation initiatives


Credible radically transparent verification

Earthtrust is a digital solution designed to verify company claims and bring unprecedented levels of transparency and verification directly to the customer.
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A graphic image for Pond Foundation initiatives

Forest Love

Protecting forests to safeguard life itself – our mission to preserve hectares of vital ecosystems.

So many forests are under threat – from logging, fire, mining, agricultural clearance, pests, and disease and most insidiously, from climate change. If we lose them, we lose life itself. Our goal is to support the protection of as many hectares of forest as we possibly can.
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A graphic image for Pond Foundation initiatives