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Pond Foundation's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report: A Step Towards Carbon Neutrality

Pond Foundation's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report: A Step Towards Carbon Neutrality


In our latest report, the Pond Foundation provides an in-depth analysis of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2022 and their Lifetime Carbon Balance (LCB) since 2020. This report marks the first step on Pond Foundation's journey towards achieving carbon neutrality. By understanding their emissions and implementing reduction strategies, Pond Foundation aims to become a leader in climate action and inspire others to do the same, leading by example.

Understanding the System Boundaries:

Our report begins by explaining the system boundaries for GHG reporting, where we takes responsibility for emissions from entities under their operational or financial control. This approach ensures comprehensive reporting and allows for effective emissions management.

The GHG Accounting Process:

The GHG accounting and reporting procedure follows the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, the internationally recognized standard for quantifying and managing greenhouse gas emissions. It distinguishes emissions into three scopes: Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3. While Scope 1 emissions were not applicable to Pond Foundation, Scopes 2 and 3 accounted for indirect emissions from purchased electricity, business travel, IT equipment, waste, and other sources.

Results for 2022:

The report reveals that Pond Foundation's total GHG emissions in 2022 amounted to 28.83 tCO2e, equivalent to approximately 3.2 tCO2e per full-time employee per year. The emissions were categorized by scope and source, providing a detailed breakdown for better understanding.

Key emissions sources highlighted in Pond Foundation Report.
Emissions released per source from Pond Foundation.

Addressing Uncertainties:

The report acknowledges the uncertainties associated with certain emission sources, such as IT device usage, working from home, business travel, and hotel stays. These uncertainties arise from assumptions made for calculations and limited availability of data. However, efforts are being made to improve the accuracy of these estimates in future reports.

Lifetime Carbon Balance (LCB):

Pond Foundation calculates its LCB by summing up the annual GHG emissions reported since its inception. To account for potential variations in data estimates, a 20% uplift is applied, resulting in a current LCB of 41.80 tCO2e as of December 31, 2022. This ensures a conservative approach to carbon accounting.

Next Steps: RRRI Strategy

To further reduce emissions and achieve carbon neutrality, Pond Foundation recommends following a comprehensive RRRI strategy. RRRI stands for Reducing emissions, Reducing emissions elsewhere, Removing carbon from the atmosphere, and Inspiring others to take action. Pond Foundation provides guidance on setting per-employee emissions targets, reducing business travel, and investing in emission reduction projects (R1 and R2 Actions). Additionally, they emphasize the importance of inspiring other businesses and individuals to join the fight against climate change (I Actions).

Remaining carbon balance of Pond Foundation.


With the release of this GHG emissions report, Pond Foundation demonstrates its commitment to addressing its carbon footprint and working towards carbon neutrality. By quantifying emissions, implementing reduction measures, and investing in emission reduction and removal projects, Pond Foundation sets an example for other organizations to follow. Through collective efforts, we can make a significant impact in mitigating climate change and building a sustainable future.